[UPSB] JExp No.3

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Jamie Enns
Pen Spinner
Messages : 6
Inscription : ven. 12 févr. 2010 20:07
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/jdtheac

[UPSB] JExp No.3

Message par Jamie Enns » dim. 13 juin 2010 16:56


adding some new cast members to the series :D
special thanks to all the spinners:
- blahblahting
- ellusion67
- Simplex
- Yosky
- Colt
- Dan
- iColor
- i.suk.at.everything
- shonenbatman
- Jamie Enns
- Baaron
- Sunlight
- xSpin
- Resonance
- teotoko
- Pen Ninja


sorry the editing is not amazing, I had such little time with exams!


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