Global PenSpinning Resellers Map

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Modérateurs : Mot, Nix, Saurkk

Pen Spinner
Messages : 4
Inscription : dim. 14 févr. 2010 02:37

Global PenSpinning Resellers Map

Message par SpinFo » mar. 7 sept. 2010 02:10

Hello to everyone!

I am SpinFo and a member of UPSB's Research Department. This is one of the projects i am working on right now. As you can see in the title, it is called Global PenSpinning Resellers Map and it is a google map where i hope to place as many stores of pens usefull to penspinners as possible.

This is the link to the map

At present, you can only see four stores i have placed in my area but i hope to add many more soon.

For that i want the help of everyone here posting in this thread the stores they know selling pens usefull to penspinners with the name of the store and the pens someone can find there. How are you going to do that? Here is a how-to.

1) Go to
2) Go find the store
3) Right CLick and then click to "Directions to here"
4) Post here the numbers you are getting in the left


Here is an example

Name: "PenStore"
Pens: "Hggs, G3s"
Location: "42.117784,-117.700197"

I would be gratful if anyone can post this to any community except UPSB, GPC and , of course, FPSB.


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